Tidal Waves

Healing rarely comes in one huge wave and then ‘you’re better’

Mostly it’s the smaller waves that lap at your ankles….

The ones we often fail to notice.

We are so focused on pulling that huge wave towards us,and the more we focus on it the longer that healing seems to take to get here.

“I’ll feel better when…” we say

But everyday small waves of healing are flowing around us 

Offering opportunities to feel better right now. 

If we would just notice and allow.


That huge wave will reach you and when it does it’ll knock you flat, it won’t feel like the healing you were anticipating.

Oh no.. it’ll be a “what the actual fuck” moment, 

BUT the healing, even though it feels worse than you felt before, is still held within that tidal wave.

It’ll knock you flat to help you notice the smaller waves around your feet.

To notice in contrast to the tidal wave their subtlety and gentleness, how they flowed in and out in a constant stream waiting for you to notice. 

You waited for healing to come to you not seeing that you could heal yourself right now. 

And now that wave has knocked you down you have no choice but to do it yourself …

to pick yourself back up,

“see “ says the tide “you always had it in you - it took a tidal wave to show you though”

And the thing about that massive wave…

Well, by the time big waves reach the shore they’ve often dissipated into smaller gentler ones anyway. 

That huge wave you focused on and waited for came to you each and every day in smaller waves in smaller ways. 


Anna Solara

For myself it has been quite the journey to navigate raising a family, finding my own voice and freeing myself from past conditioning. Not to mention healing my own Mother wound and having a tidy up of some of my earlier childhood relationships.

I got here because I didn't want to be there...

If you can hear this then I know I am the coach for you..

You see, because of diving deep into shadow work (all the yucky parts of ourselves we try to squash rather than learn from) and working with different modalities such as hypnotherapy and NLP, I liberated myself from many things that had held me back from being the woman I am today.

I have since embodied all of my desired outcomes and am now able to serve others with my combined gift of intuitive channeling as well as my below list of disciplines:

  • Hypnotherapist

  • NLP Practitioner

  • Reiki Master

  • Holistic Counsellor

  • Spiritual Life Coach

I am also a mother of ten (yes, ten) so I truly do understand about juggling, time management and the longing to have clear and loving communications with our kids.

If any of what you read about me resonates I really do look forward to sitting with you as a divine feminine on your journey to being an awakened mother who is liberated from pains of the past and leading with love.


This is the Vodafone voice mail service for ........


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