The Perfect Mother

If I, as pure energy, of which I am, and was, and will return to solely being when I no longer need this physical body, looked at this planet and said I want to go there and I want to know what victim means ……

Art work Mikenzi Jones @kenzistudioco

How they feel victimised 

Believe they are victims 

Have been victimised 

And victimise themselves 

And so…

If that’s what I said I wanted to come here and learn and agreed to ‘help’ with

I had the perfect mother for that job 

The perfect mother is not the baker, the carer, the nurturer, the giver or the comforter ..

Not for all of us anyway

For some of us the perfect mother is the one who abandoned, rejected, abused and neglected.

Because through her we learned to lean towards the light 

To find the strength to survive 

To create out of pain something worth living 

We all have the perfect mother, not for the life necessarily that we think we are here to experience.

But the perfect mother for the task we selected to come here and feel, learn, grow, heal from and use to help heal the planet as a whole.

I have created a much loved process to help you release the conditioning from your childhood and to swap the fear and experience of rejection for acceptance of every aspect of yourself. 

Easy to use practises to release the blocks to you seeing yourself as entirely good enough right now.

To understand your own energy and master your emotional state allowing you to be abundant  confident and at peace in all areas of your life.

If you would like to connect with Anna Solara you can head here to connect with her directly and begin your journey to deeper healing and discovery.

Anna Solara

For myself it has been quite the journey to navigate raising a family, finding my own voice and freeing myself from past conditioning. Not to mention healing my own Mother wound and having a tidy up of some of my earlier childhood relationships.

I got here because I didn't want to be there...

If you can hear this then I know I am the coach for you..

You see, because of diving deep into shadow work (all the yucky parts of ourselves we try to squash rather than learn from) and working with different modalities such as hypnotherapy and NLP, I liberated myself from many things that had held me back from being the woman I am today.

I have since embodied all of my desired outcomes and am now able to serve others with my combined gift of intuitive channeling as well as my below list of disciplines:

  • Hypnotherapist

  • NLP Practitioner

  • Reiki Master

  • Holistic Counsellor

  • Spiritual Life Coach

I am also a mother of ten (yes, ten) so I truly do understand about juggling, time management and the longing to have clear and loving communications with our kids.

If any of what you read about me resonates I really do look forward to sitting with you as a divine feminine on your journey to being an awakened mother who is liberated from pains of the past and leading with love.

A Gift Of True Christmas Presence


“One Step Further”